Online Exam Awards

What are the DIGITAL CONTEST awards and what is the application process?

Qualified students have the opportunity to receive awards for achievement on the four digital contests (NCEE, NRCE, NLVE, and NHCE).

The 2024 application proxcess is now closed. 

These awards are offered to students who received a gold medal on at least two of the four digital contests within one academic season. The awards are divided into age-appropriate groups - i.e. one-third of the awards will be given to students in the 8th grade and below, one-third will be given to students in the 9th and 10th grades, and one-third will be given to students in the 11th and 12th grades.

The awards are comprised of a mix of cash and vouchers for National Convention. A total of six (2 per grade category) awards in the amount of $500 will be available. A total of nine (3 per grade category) awards in the amount of $250 will be available.

Award Process Overview

  • Applicants MUST earn a gold medal in two of the four digital contests in one academic year. Prior success is not a qualification.
  • The application period is from April 21 to May 30.
  • Awards will be announced by July 1 and also at the NJCL convention during the Summer. Winners will be notified via email.
  • Every grade group will be provided an equal opportunity to win either award. For each grade group there will be two $500 awards and three $250 awards.
  • There are three grade groups: 8th grade and below (Novice), 9th and 10th (Intermediate), and 11th and 12th (Advanced).
  • There are no restrictions on the application process other than earning two gold medals.
  • The application is posted online and is submitted digitally.