This summer, the NJCL celebrates its annual NJCL Convention , where more than 1,000 students from across the United States will gather for the culmination of the JCL experience, engaging in contests, meeting fellow Classics enthusiasts, and displaying their JCL spirit.
The 2005 NJCL officers created the NJCL Convention Packet Award to help JCL members attend the Convention. . This scholarship, based on both need and merit, is awarded to one NJCL Convention delegate for the full cost of the convention packet. The Packet Award has enabled dedicated members of the organization who would not otherwise be able to attend convention to partake in this extraordinary event. This year, the NJCL officers invite deserving students across the country to apply.
All components of the Packet Award Application must be submitted online by March 31. Check back to this site soon for more details about how to apply. Students may additionally submit supplementary materials, including a maximum of two letters of recommendation, to The application requires five short response essays from each applicant. Because the scholarship is both need and merit-based, students should be careful to detail their contributions to the Junior Classical League and demonstrate financial need.
The Convention Packet Award application is now available.