Every JCL chapter in good standing is eligible to enter the National Promotion/Publicity Contest. A chapter does not need to be present at the National JCL Convention in order to win. Since the purpose of the National Promotion/Publicity Contest is to promote the Classics to those not already aware of its value, all publicity items must be essentially about the JCL, Latin, Greek, and/or classical studies. All articles in this contest must have been written or initiated by the club that submits them. The contest runs from June 1 to May 31. Only materials that were published/available to the general public during this period will be accepted.
To be eligible for the top trophy categories, schools need to submit their best entry (only one for each category) in a portfolio through a shared Google document or by PowerPoint. These will be submitted to publicrelations@njcl.org. Portfolios must be submitted no later than June 1. Any submitted after this date will not be judged.
Each item in the portfolio must include a picture or workable link and should include a description of the event and any pertinent information up to 150 words. Your description should articulate to the contest’s judges why your publicity is not just important and impactful, but the best in the nation. You may want to include information such as: how many people saw your publicity, how many of something was included in your publicity (e.g. 100 t-shirts or 500 candies with your club’s logo on it), how well your publicity was received by the public, etc.
When submitting your school’s portfolio, make sure that each entry is clearly labeled for category and that each entry is in order for the categories below.
Any falsification of entries by a school will result in that school being ineligible for the entire contest for that year.
Portfolio Contest
Deadline: June 1st
At National Convention, trophies will be given to the best entry in these 8 categories*:
Media (not including school media)
School Affiliated Media
School Affiliated Posters/Displays outside of school
Posters/Displays at school
Best Club Swag
Best Recruitment Presentation
Best Portfolio (3 places will be given)
To be eligible for the top trophy categories, schools need to submit their best entry (only one for each category) in a portfolio through a shared Google document or PowerPoint. These will be submitted to publicrelations@njcl.org and vp1@njcl.org. Portfolios must be submitted no later than June 1. Any submitted after this date will not be judged.
Each item in the portfolio must include a picture or workable link and should include a description of the event and any pertinent information up to 150 words. Your description should articulate to the contest’s judges why your publicity is not just important and impactful, but the best in the nation. You may want to include information such as: how many people saw your publicity, how many of something was included in your publicity (e.g. 100 t-shirts or 500 candies with your club’s logo on it), how well your publicity was received by the public, etc.
When submitting your school’s portfolio, make sure that each entry is clearly labeled for category and that each entry is in order for the categories below.
Any falsification of entries by a school will result in that school being ineligible for the entire contest for that year.
A panel of judges will judge submissions using the following rubric:
Impact, Originality/Creativity, Quality of Content, Appeal, and Effort
Monthly Contest
Deadline: the 15th of each month (beginning in September and ending in May)
The NJCL will recognize outstanding promotions on a monthly basis. The monthly contest is a separate contest from the chapter portfolio contest. The chosen item(s) will be posted on social media and put on the NJCL website in recognition of outstanding publicity. The Monthly Contest will run September through June. This year, winners will be emailed certificates that can be printed out.
The categories* for the monthly contest are almost the same as the Portfolio Contest:
Media (not including school media)
School Affiliated Media
School Affiliated Posters/Displays outside of school
Posters/Displays at school
Best Club Swag
Best Recruitment Presentation
How to submit monthly items (1 per category limit):
Email your items to publicrelations@njcl.org and vp1@njcl.org with Monthly Promotion Contest in the subject line including the following information:
Note: All items submitted must have been produced after June 1.
Media/School Affiliated Media includes newspapers, radio, TV, articles on websites, podcasts.
Posters/Displays in and out of school include displays at special events, displays, window signs, banners, or marquees.
Best Club Swag includes club clothing, keychains, stickers, etc. Basically club made items that have your club name or JCL on them. All items must have been made/ordered by your club. Items purchased from others at State, Nationals, etc. cannot be used.
Best Recruitment Presentation includes presentations done on or off campus for the purpose of recruiting students. This category also includes presentations that promote Latin.
Miscellaneous includes publicity and promotions not included in other categories. This can include parade floats, telephone answering messages, flyers, promotional materials, decorated items such as pumpkins, bookmarks.
N.B. Since we now have the Social Media Contest, Programs and Activities Contest, Website Contest, and Community Service Contest, items such as websites, social media, club activities, and community service will no longer be contained within this contest. If you have any questions, please contact the membership and public relations chair at publicrelations@njcl.org before submitting entries.