State newsletters are a great way to keep everyone across the state connected and informed about all of your state and local events. Newsletters come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and can include a variety of information. In addition to keeping JCLers informed, publications are helpful publicity tools that help JCL stay connected with the community.
If your state would like help starting or improving a JCL newsletter, please contact the NJCL Editor at
If your state would like to participate in the NJCL local publications contest this year, please follow the following steps:
- Make sure your newsletter meets the following criteria: it must be student produced, it must include the name of the chief editor, and there must be at least two different issues of any length.
- Email digital PDF copies of the issues to the NJCL Editor at and the NJCL Publications Chair at by June 1 or contact the NJCL Editor by email for a physical address for issues to be postmarked by June 1.