NJCL Scholarships

The NJCL annually grants several scholarships between the amounts of $1500 and $4000 to NJCL members. While most of the scholarships are announced at the NJCL Convention, students need not be present to win.

Both the application and the recommendation must be submitted by February 7.

The NJCL Scholarships can be paid directly to the recipient for use on any education-related expenses or can be paid to the school.

Scholarship Name Amount

Belle Gould NJCL Scholarship
Established in honor of Miss Belle Gould, the first editor of the TORCH: U.S., who served for many years as the Chairman of the Committee on the National Junior Classical League.


Jessie Chambers NJCL Scholarship
Established upon the retirement of Miss Chambers who served many years as Federations Chairman of the Committee on the National Junior Classical League.


Rhea Miller NJCL Scholarship

The Rhea Miller Scholarship is named in honor of Mrs. Rhea Miller, for many years the National Convention Coordinator for NJCL. This scholarship was established in her honor in 1980 following her retirement.


Red & Rhea Miller NJCL Scholarship
Established in 1980 to honor Mrs. Miller's retirement after many years as Convention Adviser to the National Junior Classical League.


Sr. Jeanette Plante Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2002 in memory of Sr. Jeanette, a past National Committee member and long-time friend of JCL.


Renata Motiu Scholarship
Established in honor of Renata Motiu by Arvind Venkat, 1991-1992 NJCL President. Ms. Motiu taught Latin in Michigan for 33 years. A long-time member of the American Classical League and JCL sponsor, she taught two former NJCL national officers.


Margaret & Eugene Halligan NJCL Scholarship
Funded by an endowment established by Mrs. Halligan's husband in memory of his wife's devoted service to JCL in Illinois. This scholarship was further endowed by Eileen Halligan Farrell in memory of her brother and sister-in-law.


Maureen O'Donnell NJCL Scholarship
Established in 1989 by the Virginia JCL and Pro Scientia in memory of Mrs. O'Donnell for her years of service in the classroom.Mrs. O'Donnell, beloved Latin teacher and VJCL co-chair, was dedicated to the Classics and to teaching.


Susan and Dennis Webb Scholarship
Established in 2003, when Mr. and Mrs. Webb made a generous gift to NJCL.Dennis Webb was the 1969-1970 NJCL President.


Doris L. Kays Scholarship
Endowed by both the San Antonio Classical Society and the Texas State Junior Classical League, this scholarship honors Mrs. Doris L. Kays, who passed away in 2007. Before her passing, Mrs. Kays served for many years as one of the State Chairs for TSJCL and was responsible for bringing Certamen to the state of Texas when she hosted the 1st Certamen tournament in the state of Texas at MacArthur High School in San Antonio. This scholarship honors Mrs. Kays' dedication to Classics, her students, and the education profession.


Penny and Mark Cipolone NJCL Scholarship
Established in 2022 to acknowledge and celebrate the inspiring work performed by NJCL committee members and NJCL support staff over the years. Mrs. Cipolone was a member of the National Committee for ten years and served as Committee Chair 2002-2004.


Scholarships are awarded on the following criteria:

  • financial need
  • JCL service at local, state, and national levels
  • academic record
  • recommendations from teachers, principals, counselors, and other adults 

Special consideration will also be given to those applicants who intend to teach Latin, Greek, or the Classical Humanities. Applications will be screened by a selection committee over the summer, and recipients will be informed of the results by the time of the NJCL Convention.

NJCL Scholarship Selection Committee

The NJCL Scholarship Selection Committee is an annual special committee, functioning at the NJCL National Convention. It is composed of a chair, who is the NJCL Chair of Scholastic Services/Programs, and at least four NJCL chapter sponsors from a variety of states who are in attendance at the National Convention. Scholarship recipients are chosen on the basis of returned applications and recommendations, and selection is made using a system awarded for grades, service to JCL, etc. The Committee also announces the recipients at the NJCL Convention.